Our "Last Act" of Stewardship!

You have purposed to exhibit consistent, God honoring stewardship throughout your life - and God has been consistently faithful to you in return.  In this informative seminar – at your church, or in small group meetings, we show you how such lifelong stewardship can "survive us", and how that powerful narrative of God's blessing upon your life can find expression - and become a motivation to future generations!  

Deploying a proven model used by Legacy for Eternity© Ministries, we advance a common aspiration to holding forth the truth of God's Word and the design we find there for proper and effective stewardship - even when it comes to estate and legacy planning! 

We get very practical about what effective estate and legacy planning looks like, including in God’s Word, and the critical questions it answers. Then, through careful consultation with you, we assist you as you carefully design your plan – for your family’s benefit, as well as the ministries you have in your heart to honor.

What have some had to say about the benefit they experienced from such times together?

  • "Many of our members have followed up with finalizing estate plans that will leave a legacy to their children and the Lord's work."          
  • "Our time together helped us see the importance of not only giving of ourselves and from our substance, but doing so with intentionality and a view to its purpose and grander design". 
  • "We really enjoyed the calm, common sense approach to how we can leave a legacy to our children, grandchildren, and the church. I never thought there could be so much relevant and insightful information about estate planning in scripture." 
  • "The experience and resulting perspective for church finance and business that was conveyed through this material uniquely assisted our church in its coming to a more clear understanding of what God's Word has to say about important financial matters, and how to apply it to their lives."   
  • From this ministry's mentor and "co-architect":  "Drawing upon his extensive experience in both business and ministry leadership, Tom gets the discussion started in his focus upon what good biblical stewardship looks like in our lives and how important it is that such diligence survives us in our estate and succession planning".  
    James Rickard, Stewardship Services Foundation, noted stewardship authority and speaker


For more information about the broader program available from Legacy for Eternity© Ministries, please click here.